9 Small Habits for a Cleaner, Tidier Home in 2024

9 Small Habits for a Cleaner, Tidier Home in 2024

9 Small Habits for a Cleaner, Tidier Home in 2024
9 Small Habits for a Cleaner, Tidier Home in 2024

Keeping a tidy home might seem overwhelming, but to be honest, it's all about the small daily habits that make the biggest difference. These little changes will help you maintain an orderly home, save you time, and create a calm living environment that welcomes positive energy. Let's get into these 9 habits that will keep your house clean and tidy in 2024!

First and foremost, here are some tips that will definitely help you keep your house clean if you incorporate them in your daily routine:

Start Your Day with a Tidy Home

Kick off your day with a quick clean-up. After breakfast, put everything away in the kitchen, unload or reload the dishwasher, clear surfaces of clutter, and make your bed. This small effort makes your home feel organized and reduces distractions, especially if you work from home.

Dedicate 20 Minutes Each Day to Cleaning

Set aside just 20 minutes a day for cleaning or tidying up. This way, you can avoid feeling overwhelmed by spreading tasks throughout the week. Make a list of what needs to be done and check off each task as you complete it.

Clean as You Go

Developing the habit of cleaning as you go can save you a lot of time. For example, if you’re moving from one room to another, take items with you that belong in the other room. While waiting for the kettle to boil, wipe down the counter or table. You can even multitask by ironing clothes while watching TV or tidying up during a phone call. Little actions like these add up and keep your home tidy without much extra effort.

Start Your Day with a Tidy Home

Use the 5-Minute Rule

If a task will take five minutes or less, do it right away. This simple rule can significantly reduce your to-do list and prevent tasks from piling up. By tackling small tasks immediately, you free up more time and avoid unnecessary stress.

Keep Cleaning Supplies Handy

Store cleaning products close to where you use them. This makes it easier to clean up messes as they happen without having to hunt down supplies. For example, keep bathroom cleaners in the bathroom and kitchen cleaners under the sink.

Prioritize Your Cleaning

Focus on cleaning high-traffic areas like the kitchen sink, dining table, and bathroom first. These areas tend to get messy quickly and are more noticeable. If you run out of time to dust the living room or wash the windows, it’s okay. There’s always another day to tackle those less critical tasks.

These simple habits can make maintaining a clean home much more manageable. Once they become part of your routine, keeping your space tidy will feel almost effortless. Give them a try and see how they work for you!

1. Make the Bed Every Morning

Make the Bed Every Morning

Making your bed every morning only takes about three minutes, but it can completely change the feel of your bedroom. A tidy bed makes the whole room look cleaner and gives you a sense of accomplishment right at the start of your day.

2. Take Your Shoes Off When You Get Home

Take Your Shoes Off When You Get Home

Shoes pick up all sorts of dirt and germs from outside, and you don't want to bring that into your home. Make it a habit to take your shoes off as soon as you get home and leave them by the door. Consider adding a shoe rack or a storage chest to keep everything neat and easily accessible. This simple habit will help keep your floors cleaner and reduce the amount of cleaning you need to do.

3. Do a Night-Time Sweep

Before you head to bed, do a quick walk-through of your main rooms and tidy up any clutter. Straighten cushions, fold throw blankets, and put away any stray items. This doesn't have to be a major clean-up—just a quick sweep to make sure things are in their place. This habit will make your mornings so much smoothe4. Put Clothes Away Properly

4. Put Clothes Away Properly

We all have that chair in our bedroom that ends up covered in clothes. Try to put clothes away immediately. Hang up clothes that can be worn again and put dirty clothes in the laundry basket. For clean clothes, take a few extra minutes to fold them or put them on hangers right away. This small habit will keep your bedroom looking tidy.

5. Put Things Back After You’ve Finished Using Them

5. Put Things Back After You’ve Finished Using Them

It sounds simple, but putting things back where they belong after using them can save you a lot of time and hassle later. Whether it's kitchen utensils, tools, or kids' toys, make it a habit to put everything back in its place. This keeps your home organized and reduces the amount of clutter you need to deal with.

6. Clean Up As You Cook

Cooking can create a lot of mess, but if you clean as you go, it’s much more manageable. After you’ve finished chopping ingredients, put utensils and bowls in the dishwasher or wash them quickly by hand. Wipe down counters and clean up spills as they happen. This way, you’ll have less to clean up after you’ve enjoyed your meal.

7. Wipe Down Tables & Countertops After Every Meal

This is a quick job that only takes a couple of minutes. After you’ve eaten, clear the table and give it a quick wipe down with a cloth and all-purpose cleaner. Do the same for your kitchen countertops. This prevents spills from becoming sticky, hard-to-clean messes and keeps your kitchen looking neat.

8. Go Through Your Fridge Weekly

Go Through Your Fridge Weekly

Once a week, take a few minutes to go through your fridge. Check for expired items and throw them out. Wipe down shelves to catch any spills or crumbs. Keeping your fridge clean prevents bad odors and makes it easier to see what you have, so you can plan meals better and avoid food waste.

9. Wipe Down Bathroom Mirrors, Sinks & Countertops at Night

Wipe Down Bathroom Mirrors, Sinks & Countertops at Night

As part of your nightly routine, give your bathroom a quick clean. Wipe down mirrors, sinks, and countertops to remove toothpaste and soap build-up. Keep a spray bottle and microfiber cloth handy for this task. This way, your bathroom stays sparkling clean, and you won’t have to spend a lot of time on deep cleaning later.

Bonus Tip: Declutter Once a Month

Even with these daily habits, clutter can still build up. Dedicate some time once a month to declutter your home. Go through your wardrobe, kitchen, and other storage areas to get rid of items you no longer need or use. This helps keep your home organized and makes daily cleaning much easier.

Incorporating these small habits into your daily routine can make a huge difference in keeping your home clean and tidy. It might take some time to get used to them, but once they become second habit, you’ll realize that keeping a clean house much easier and less time-consuming.

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