5 Must-Have Apps for Splitting Bills With Friends

5 Must-Have Apps for Splitting Bills With Friends

When you're out with friends or sharing expenses with your roommates, dealing with money, splitting bills the traditional way can be difficult, time-consuming, and confusing. Fortunately, there are several apps available that can simplify the process and make bill splitting a breeze. In this post, we'll look at the best apps for splitting bills with friends, highlight their key features, usability, and how they can make your life easier. Let's dive in!


Splitwise is one of the most popular bill-splitting apps available today. It simplifies the process of splitting expenses and tracking IOUs among friends and groups. 

The app allows you to create groups for different occasions, such as vacations or shared apartments and lets you add expenses with just a few taps. Splitwise automatically calculates everyone's share and keeps a running total. It also sends reminders to settle up, making sure you don't forget. With its intuitive interface and user-friendly features, Splitwise is a go-to app for seamless bill splitting.

Pros: Easy expense tracking, automatic calculations, group-specific expenses, and payment reminders.

Cons: The number of features available may be overwhelming to new users.

Availability: iOS and Android


Venmo has transformed peer-to-peer payments and bill splitting. This app allows you to send money to friends, split costs, and even pay businesses. You can use Venmo to transfer money from your bank account, debit card, or credit card. Bill splitting with Venmo is as easy as sending a text message. You can divide the bill evenly or give different amounts to each person. You can also leave comments and emojis, as well as add a description to the transaction, using the app. Venmo is a versatile app that combines social networking and payments, transforming bill splitting into a social and interactive experience.

Pros: Seamless peer-to-peer payments, social and interactive features, customizable bill splitting.

Cons: Fees for some services, Privacy may be compromised unless you adjust privacy settings, Money is unavailable instantly unless you pay a fee

Availability: iOS and Android


Another useful app for splitting bills with friends is Zelle. Within minutes, you can send and receive money directly from your bank account to another person's account using this app. You can use Zelle to split bills, request money, and even pay rent or utilities. The app integrates seamlessly with many major banks, making it user-friendly. Your transactions are safe and secure thanks to Zelle's robust security measures. Zelle is an excellent choice if you prefer a simple and secure way to split bills.

Pros: Direct bank account transfers, quick and secure transactions, integration with major banks.

Cons: Only supports U.S. bank accounts, You can't cancel certain payments, There are payment limits.

Availability: iOS and Android


Tricount is an app designed specifically for group expenses and splitting bills. It offers a collaborative platform where users can create shared expenses and track who owes what. Tricount allows you to add expenses in multiple currencies, making it perfect for international trips. The app features a real-time balance sheet, automatic calculations, and even the option to export the data to Excel or PDF. With its advanced features and collaborative nature, Tricount is an ideal app for splitting bills during group activities or vacations.

Pros: Collaborative platform for group expenses, real-time balance sheet, multi-currency support.

Cons: May not be suitable for individual expenses.

Availability: Available on iOS and Android


Tab is another app that deserves a spot among the must-have apps for splitting bills with friends. It offers a range of features to simplify expense sharing and ensure a smooth bill-splitting experience. Here's an overview of the pros and cons of Tab:

Pros:User-Friendly Interface, Real-Time Collaboration, Multiple Splitting Options, Expense History and Notifications

Cons: Limited Payment Integration

Availability: iOS and Android

Splitting bills with friends doesn't have to be a headache anymore. These five apps offer a range of features to make bill splitting a stress-free experience. From automatic calculations to real-time balance sheets, these apps provide convenient solutions

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